Maiditnew Book in 60 Seconds


We don’t share your personal information with anyone.

apartment cleaning services near me


We don’t share your personal information with anyone.

apartment cleaning services near me

Ready to MaiditNew?

Ready to MaiditNew?


Bookings are automatically scheduled based on the date and time of your choosing. We charge the cleaning fee before each booking. Canceling under 24 hours leads to a $99 fee, unless our service did not meet expectations.

We’ll perform a regular cleaning, excluding inside of cabinets, baseboards, windows, and anything under the extras, unless they are added to your service.

We carefully screen our cleaning teams. All staff undergo training and background checks so you can trust the people we send to your home. We make sure our teams meet high standards before they clean for clients.

Yes, just give us a call at 609-372-5291

Our cleaning teams are thoroughly vetted for your peace of mind. If you will not be home during your scheduled cleaning, simply inform us about the location of your key or lockbox. We will retrieve your key to access your home and ensure your house receives outstanding service while you are away.

No problem, we are happy to assist more. You can get help by: Calling us at 609-372-5291 or using the online chat feature in the bottom right corner of this website Just let the phone agent or chat representative know what other questions you have. We will provide all the help you need!

apartment cleaning services